The Digital Light Processing (DLP) board is what converts the video input from an outside source (like a computer) into a format the projector can display. If this board is damaged or faulty, a whole host of image projection issues can occur that will not be fixed by cleaning the lens or replacing the lamp.
Step 1 External Shell
Place the projector on its back (buttons down) with the lens facing away from you.
Remove the two 84mm screws in the upper left and right corners of the projector using the Phillips #2 screwdriver.
Remove the remaining three 8.5mm screws using the Phillips #1 screwdriver.
Step 2
Use the plastic opening tools to push down the clips holding the lamp cover in place, and remove it.
There is no lamp assembly in the projector used in this guide, yours may appear different.
Step 3
Remove the two 8.5mm rear screws holding the rear case plate to the projector using the Phillips #1 screwdriver.
Pull the rear plate straight off and set it aside.
Step 4
Flip the projector over and turn around so that the lens faces you.
Twist the gray zoom adjustment ring clockwise and extend the lens all the way out, and then slide the zoom adjustment ring all the way towards the end of the lens as far as it will go.
Slide the front case plate towards the loosened zoom adjustment ring, until the top plate of the projector is freed from underneath the lip of the front case plate.
The front case plate will not come all the way off due to the zoom adjustment ring obstructing it. It will merely slide forward a bit.
Step 5
Lift away the top case plate and set it aside.
Step 6 DLP Board
Remove the four T10 Torx 8.5 mm screws holding the DLP board in place.
Step 7
Unplug the small ribbon cable attaching the DLP board to the motherboard.
Step 8
Detach the DLP board from where it is connected to the motherboard by a large 100 pin connector.
Pry up gently while wiggling from left to right if needed.
The ribbon cable on the other side of the board could break if pulled too hard.