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Paper Shredder Machine by Zigzag Cutting System

Paper Shredder Machine by Zigzag Cutting System

Paper Shredder Machine by Zigzag Cutting System

Paper Shredder Machine by Zigzag Cutting System – The use of paper in the world today has reached a very high number. In response, the government plans to become the world’s largest producer of pulp and paper. The problem is the manufacturer of pulp and papers in the country in the wood in general the use of forests as raw material. Continuous Recording cause many problems, especially deforestation and depletion of forest resources and forest area in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to find alternative materials for raw materials, such as recycled pulp paper.

The reuse of waste paper as raw material for the paper is also an alternative to overcome the original paper shortage of raw materials and pulp increasingly expensive. We can collect a paper waste from various sources, such as offices, homes, waste disposal, among others. Paper waste is a potential source of fiber and has a strong economic outlook. Before becoming the raw material of scrap paper first destroyed using a paper shredder. Paper destruction process will ease the process of recycling and disposing of waste from office documents will be more secure because it can prevent the abuse of documents.

In terms of cutting system, there are two types of shredder used in some companies cut linear system and zigzag cutting system. System produces paper straight cut noodles while cutting system produces zigzag bands. In this post, we will describe about a Paper Shredder Machine by Zigzag Cutting System because it can produce smaller pieces.

Construction of Paper Shredder Machine

Generally, paper shredder machine by zigzag cutting system consists of three main parts: cutter system, transmission and construction with machine parts as in the image below.

Paper Shredder Machine - Machine Part and Construction

Basic Concept of Paper Shredder

Paper shredder is a tool that works with some of the main shaft on two cutting blades rotating in the opposite direction to destroy the part that goes between the two sets of blades. This type of system uses a paper-cutter that produces the zigzag shape of a rectangular piece of paper.
Paper Shredder Concept

Paper Shredder Function

Generally paper shredder works to destroy HVS A4 size sheet of paper, the largest weight of 80 g, a most of 10 sheets per cycle and produce custom pieces of paper 30 x 5 mm. The transmission system in a paper shredder function electric motor delivers power to the cutting system and reduces the electric motors rotation to suit the needs of a knife rotation to destroy the paper.

Machine Principle of Paper Shredder

Paper shredder work by force or power obtained from the electric motor. Power transmission from electric motor to the cutting system uses a gear transmission. Gears transmission system is using spur gear and helical gear so its ratio is not possible to use a high ratio. For a large enough proportion of the complete transmission of transmission systems designed using several levels of the helical gears 1, 2 and 3 transmission uses spur gear transmission. Throughout the transmission system, the output power can rotate the cutter head according to the desired rotation. The system uses two sets of blades which rotate in opposite cutting directions.

Round cutter blade will pull paper that goes through the funnel feeder on the top cover. Paper passes cutting blade will cut off vertically like a wall cutouts by second knife, then cut off horizontally like torn by a knife-edge.

Operations of Paper Shredder Machine

How to use paper shredder includes:

  1. Put the container box at the place correctly.
  2. Connect the power cord to the terminal.
  3. Press the power button to turn on the engine.
  4. When the switch is on, turn the blade and never include metal objects or other hard objects in the judicial system.
  5. Put HVS A4 up to 10 sheets per process.
  6. If the jam, press the switch to turn the paper otherwise REV blades recovered for destruction. Then press the power switch and insert the paper.
  7. Paper destroyed will gather in the box reservoir.
  8. Turn off by pressing the OFF put.
  9. Remove the destroyed paper, if in the reservoir has been filled

That is a description about the Paper Shredder Machine by Zigzag Cutting System. If you find misconceptions in this post, please give correction in the comment box.

How to design of shredder blade, power requirement and other part of paper shredder machine, I will explain in the next article titled paper shredder design

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